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Reborn to be Rebuilt

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Pastor Brandon Gish
Sermons Sermons2024 Corinthians
Pastor Brandon Gish
Christ is Lord and King
Table of Contents

1 Corinthians 3:8-15, “Reborn to be Rebuilt.

What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? What is this Gospel that is the power unto salvation for all who believe? For those who have been saved, who have believed and placed their faith in Jesus Christ, what effect must this reality have within our lives. The wise man builds his house upon the Rock… what are you building your lives upon? Is it on the fleeting wisdom of this rebellious world, or is it on the unchanging wisdom and ways of God? Repent and believe the Gospel.

Companion Resources

Bible Reading - - Matthew 25:14-30


Navigating Conflict
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Pastor Brandon Gish
Sermons Sermons2024 Corinthians
The Superior Wisdom of Christ
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Pastor Brandon Gish
Sermons Sermons2024 Corinthians
Election, Unity, and the Glory of God
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Pastor Brandon Gish
Sermons Sermons2024 Corinthians
Know Your Enemy to Love Your Enemy; the Foolish Mind of the Unbeliever.
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Pastor Brandon Gish
Sermons Sermons2024 Corinthians
The Power of the Gospel
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Pastor Brandon Gish
Sermons Sermons2024 Corinthians
Death by Division
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Pastor Brandon Gish
Sermons Sermons2024 Corinthians